
Elevate Your Performance

Is your child* failing to meet his or her academic potential, despite everyone's best efforts? Have you tried conventional tutoring, "learning centers," conventional academic coaching, "brain training," maybe even medication, with little or no positive results? Or is your child already performing at a high level, looking for that "extra edge?" Do you want your child to become one of the smartest, most capable humans of his or her generation? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Brengle Holistic Tutoring & Coaching may be perfect for your family. Reach out to Troy today to find out!     *Troy also works with adult students of any age.     Copyright © 2024 by Troy Brengle Brengle Holistic Tutoring & Coaching | Elevate Your Performance   Disclaimer: Brengle Holistic Tutoring & Coaching is not a medical or health program and does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition.