Below are references for Troy's informational pamphlet, What You Need to Know About Fragrance Chemicals to Keep Your Family Healthy and Safe, along with other reliable sources of information on the topic.
Note: the pdf at the link above is formatted for printing; please feel free to print and share! This link is more suited for viewing on a device.
2016 study: Fragranced consumer products: exposures and effects from emissions (Anne Steinemann, PhD)
2019 study by Dr. Steinemann: International prevalence of fragrance sensitivity
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: Fragrance Disclosure
Harvard Medical School article: Toxic beauty | Are your personal care products putting your health at risk?
Health Risks from Perfume: The Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance Products by a 1991 EPA Study
From International Fragrance Association (IFRA) The "transparency list" (This is a partial list of the approximately 4000 chemicals that could be hidden behind the term "fragrance" on any given product).
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners: Fragrance
According to BCPP, avoiding fragrance is the #1 way to reduce your breast cancer risk.
Toxicologist: These Products Were Making Me Infertile And Are Harming Your Future Kids! YouTube
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Allergy Facts and Figures
Dr. Daniel Pompa: The Most Dangerous Toxin in Homes! (Short Instagram clip)
MUST-WATCH: Stink! The Movie (90 minutes)
Invisible Disabilities® Association: Choose Friendships Over Fragrances
Jessica Alba Exposes Toxic Secrets Behind Household Fragrances! Instagram clip
FDA: FDA Authority Over Cosmetics: How Cosmetics Are Not FDA-Approved, but Are FDA-Regulated (Although with the fragrance loophole, are they regulated at all?)
Environmental Working Group: Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Endocrine Disruptors
Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick, and Infertile Book by Anthony G. Jay
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Neurotoxicity
Obesogens: chemicals that cause weight gain Environmental Health News
Key takeaway:
"None of these studies indicates a difference in allergenicity between a fragrance ingredient synthetically produced or extracted from a natural product... There is no demonstration in the peer reviewed scientific literature that fragrances compounds of natural origin are ‘safer’ than synthetics."
Professor Anne Steinemann, PhD, a world expert on environmental pollutants, air quality, and health effects:
"People may choose essential oils because they think they are more 'natural' or 'organic' or in some way 'healthier' but what we found is that there are potentially hazardous chemicals in all of the commercial varieties of the essential oils that we tested."
Study: Volatile Chemical Emissions From Essential Oils
From the abstract: "All natural and regular essential oils emitted one or more potentially hazardous VOCs, such as acetaldehyde, acetone, and ethanol."
PubMed: Prepubertal gynecomastia linked to lavender and tea tree oils (Gynecomastia is the scientific term for "man boobs")
Essentially Deadly: The Unspoken Dangers of Essential Oils: book and ebook
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Video 2020, by Maria Rizzo (12 minutes)
The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast
The Case Against Fragrance: book by Kate Grenville
Perfume – The Hidden Bane of Your Health is a not-for-profit company that educates and warns the consumer of the health risks associated with use of perfume and fragranced products, and of the harm they are doing to the environment, while putting pressure on governments worldwide to outlaw the manufacture and use of these toxic chemicals.
List of allies in the fight for fragrance-free air:
Fragrance-free Church? Podcast episode
Take a 30-day fragrance-free challenge
Here is a lengthy list of fragrance-free products, compiled by a very chemically-sensitive friend of mine. Keep in mind that even though a product may be fragrance-free and scent-free, it may still not be healthy or safe to use, especially long-term. As may be the case of this popular product billed as "From the #1 brand recommended by dermatologists, allergists, and pediatricians for sensitive skin." Environmental Working Group gave it a D score, because there is no data available on the product's effects on SKIN ALLERGIES AND IRRITATION (or asthma / respiratory, developmental & reproductive toxicity, or cancer)! That's insanity!
Full disclosure: I used to use that stuff (hey, people make mistakes).
Buyer beware, as they say, and the safest solutions are generally the most natural. On that note...
This blog was written by an even more chemically sensitive friend, and it features effective, inexpensive natural alternatives to chemical cleaners and personal products. This woman's lifestyle is a testament to the fact that we CAN live without chemical products.
Suggest that your office, school, gym, church, doctor's office, etc. adopt a fragrance-free policy, such as this sample policy from American Lung Association.
For more examples of fragrance-free policies-- such as those currently in many hospitals, governmental organizations, schools & universities across the world-- and how to go about implementing them, go to:
Fragrance Free Coalition | Environmental Health & Consumer Information | Fragrance-Free Policies
It is noteworthy to point out that the even the CDC has enacted for their offices this Indoor Environmental Quality Policy which features the following mandates:
"Scented or fragranced products are prohibited at all times in all interior space owned, rented, or leased by CDC. This includes the use of:
• Incense, candles, or reed diffusers
• Fragrance-emitting devices of any kind
• Wall-mounted devices, similar to fragrance-emitting devices, that operate automatically or by pushing a button to dispense deodorizers or disinfectants
• Potpourri
• Plug-in or spray air fresheners
• Urinal or toilet blocks
• Other fragranced deodorizer/re-odorizer products
Personal care products (e.g. colognes, perfumes, essential oils, scented skin and hair products) should not be applied at or near actual workstations, restrooms, or anywhere in CDC owned or leased buildings."
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Humorous & hard-hitting apparel, decals, and other products
to engage & educate on the dangers of fragrance chemicals.