Nowadays, with most students who struggle, it is no longer sufficient to simply explain the material, no matter how expertly it's done. More often than not, there are significant obstacles to learning present; some may appear right on the surface, but others are usually lurking beneath.
This is why I designed a one-of-a-kind comprehensive assessment and interview to get to the heart of the matter, and find out exactly what is going on with a student's inability to grasp the concepts at hand. That's Step 1: identifying underlying factors contributing to difficulties.
To learn more about the Brengle Holistic approach, the other 2 steps, and/or to get the process started for yourself or your student, contact me today.
Don't want the holistic approach? I also offer conventional mathematics tutoring, and would be glad to simply explain the math concepts to you or your student. That's the other hat I wear: Troy Brengle, Math Tutor.