Why Summer is the Best Time for Math Tutoring

Troy Brengle |  June 26, 2024 

Most parents and students aren't aware of this, but summer is the absolute best time for math tutoring. Here's why:

1.  Students are not overburdened with other course work.

2.  Students are generally not overscheduled with extracurricular activities, at least not for the entire summer.

3.  Students are generally more well-rested (or at least may have excellent opportunity to be). During the school year, many students are going to bed way too late, and getting up way too early. Sleep deficit greatly diminishes cognitive (thinking) ability and thus hampers the learning process.

4.  Students may also be more well-nourished due to being home during the day more often, not having to rely on unhealthy school lunches and junk snack foods and drinks throughout the day. Malnutrition is also known to greatly diminish cognitive ability-- as well as contribute to negative, sometimes criminal, behaviors-- as world-renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock points out in this talk.  Dr. Joseph Mercola, backed by a 2020 study, suggests in this Children’s Health Defense article that children who consume fast food often may suffer irreversible brain damage. And you can see the incredible results of excellent nutrition in this study by Julie Matthews and Dr. James Adams.

5.  Students may spend more time outdoors and #6 may get more exercise during the summer. Both are known to boost brain function.

7.  If students are spending more time outdoors, hopefully this means that they’ll be spending less time on digital screens, which are known to adversely affect attention, memory, and learning in general, as well as contribute to mental illness, as social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s demonstrates in his best-selling book The Anxious Generation.

8.  Being outside of a classroom environment, students may be relatively free from distractions and negative peer pressure.

9.  Tutoring during the summer is the best way to prevent The Summer Slide. This term refers to the very real phenomenon that happens to almost every student during summer break; because they aren’t using the skills and concepts that they learned the previous school year, they forget them (“Use it or lose it”).

10. For all of the reasons above, students have a great chance to learn what they should have learned, but didn’t, during previous years. 

11. Summer is also the prime time for students to exercise their brains in preparation for the upcoming semester-- knock off the rust, so to speak, much like pro athletes participating in their annual pre-season training camps. This will enable students to enter the school year with a new level of confidence, as they’ll be truly prepped and ready to meet the challenges to come.

 Reach out to Troy today to set your child
on a path to success this summer!


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 Disclaimer: Brengle Holistic Tutoring & Coaching is not a medical or health program and does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition.