I recently came up with this technique to help me limit my own screen time-- to help keep ME SAFER-- and I wanted to share it with you. After all, many of us are struggling with screen addiction, adults and children alike; in fact, 50% of teens say they "feel addicted!"
Please let me know if this simple but powerful technique helps you
and/or your child.
The problem of addiction aside: LED screen devices are not healthy, period, for any of us. They are especially harmful to children, teens, and young adults (up to age 25) and their still-developing brains. I've noticed a disturbing and drastic decline in students' cognitive functioning over the last 10 or 15 years, and I am certain that screens have played a MAJOR role in that (and the data backs this up).
If you want your children to be at their healthiest, happiest, and smartest, we've got to help them get off the screens as much as possible. Notice that I said "we--" don't feel that you have to do it all on your own. There are tons of resources out here, including Dr. Victoria Dunckley's fantastic book Reset Your Child's Brain, and the just-released book by Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation, both of which are two of the most important reads of our lifetime.
Other excellent resources:, friends, family, the community at large (there are many other parents out there struggling with this issue), and NATURE: get your kids out where the screens aren't!
Copyright © 2024 by Troy Brengle. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Brengle Holistic Tutoring & Coaching is not a medical or health program and does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition.